Top 10 powerful, light and free antivirus programs for PC 2023

 Download the best antivirus software for your computer for free to speed up the Windows system so that its performance remains stable and keep it clean of viruses, so the most effective way is to install the best antivirus software.

 1. Find hidden malware and remove it.


The casting feature of Microsoft Defender can be used to protect against threats. Where to check only the folders in which the most common areas are located.

Access parameters> update and security> Windows security for manual analysis. Alternately, enter " security "in the search bar of the menu item" Demarrer " and choose the best match. Site protection against viruses and threats click quick check, then.

Click on analysis options, then select a full test that checks every file and application on your computer for a more thorough analysis. Choose vérification personalisée instead, which enables you to analyze specific files and folders for malware.

Select the Microsoft Defender HP line analysis option if you think your system has been hacked but no infection has been detected despite other analyzes. This option targets hard-to-detect malware such as rootkits.


Where the hidden virus cannot be executed, the analysis works off-line by rebooting in a safe environmentto conduct an analysis outside Windows . Before selecting this option, make sure that all open files are recorded and all running programs are closed. Then click Check now to check, and your computer will restart.

The analysis takes up to 15 minutes. Don't worry if the screen turns black for a short time; this is normal. If malware is found, you will be asked to remove it; however, if the opposite is true, your computer will restart under Windows after the analysis is completed.

2. Secure your files against ransomware malware.
Ransomware viruses can seriously damage your computer, restrict access to it or even prevent you from using it, encrypt your files and folders, forcing you to pay money (ransom) to unlock them without a guarantee that the decryption tool will work properly.
Oddly enough, however, Defender's ransomware protection feature is disabled by default, which reduces the likelihood of blocking legitimate programs. Fortunately, activating the feature is simple.
To protect yourself from viruses and other threats, go to the protection against ransomware section of the virus and Threat Protection screen, and then click on the link to the protection against ransomware section.



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  • Werlist99
    Werlist99 April 5, 2024 at 8:55 PM

    thank you


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